College Fairs and Open Houses
Virtual Tours
High school graduates have to rely on virtual tours and information sessions this year, as almost all schools have temporarily suspended in-person campus tours. Check out a few virtual tour options:
Experience 1000+ colleges & universities in virtual reality. Narrow your college choices with the best virtual experiences of schools worldwide.
CampusTours provides virtual tours of 1700+ colleges and universities and builds virtual tours and interactive maps for schools and organizations worldwide.
Virtual tours of over 1300 colleges.
Highlights with quick video clips and photos and graphs/maps.
College Fairs
College Fairs provide students and parents/guardians with an opportunity to gather information about several different colleges at once. Typically, there are rows of college tables staffed by representatives (reps) to answer your questions about admission requirements, academic programs, student housing, and campus life.
While attending a college fair be sure to:
- Bring a pen and notebook and take notes
- Pick up a bag to hold any applications or brochures or bring your own in case none are provided
- Check out the floor plan and map out a route to make sure you visit all of the colleges on your list
- Have a list of specific questions ready to ask college reps; be sure to thank them and ask for a business card (you may have questions after the fair is over)
- Ask about application fee waivers when speaking with reps (many colleges will waive their application fee just because you visited their table)
After the fair:
- Look through your notes and eliminate the colleges that are not a good fit
- Do more research on the schools left on your list
- Contact the college reps if you still have questions or would like additional information
- Plan to attend an open house