Financial Aid and Scholarship Information
What is the FAFSA® form?
Colleges and career schools use the FAFSA form to determine how much financial aid you're eligible to receive, which could include grants, scholarships, work-study funds, and loans.
You must apply for aid every year, but with the right information in hand, it's easy.
New Jersey Financial Aid Application Graduation Requirement Waiver
Under P.L.2023, c.295, to receive a high school diploma, a student in the graduating classes of 2025, 2026, or 2027 must:
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application, or
- Be exempted from the requirement in accordance with procedures outlined in the law.
If the student is under 18 years of age, the student’s school counselor may authorize a waiver if one cannot be reasonably obtained from the student’s parent or guardian.
FAFSA Waiver for Parents/Guardians/Students
Financial Aid Presentation 24-25
Need Help filling out the FAFSA?
HESSA has virtual meetings to assist: Click Here for dates and Times
HHW will have an in person FAFSA completion night on January 8th at 6:30pm
Scholarship Applications
All scholarship applications & criteria will be posted on SchooLinks. Applications must be turned into Mrs. Andrusiewicz, the Guidance Secretary. Please attach all scholarship documents to the green Scholarship Submission Form. This paper form can be found in the Guidance office. Students will be required to submit their completed application and any supporting documents with the form at least 5 business days prior to the deadline.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid - FAFSA
The federal government awards around $125 billion in student aid every year in the form of grants, loans, and work-study, and some portion of that money could be yours.
The FAFSA also considers several other factors along with income. So, even if you think your family makes “too much money” to qualify for aid, you should always apply anyway. After all, the form is free, and you really don’t have anything to lose.
Even if you are not eligible for a federal grant, you might still be awarded work-study or federal loans, which usually offer lower rates and gentler repayment terms than anything you can get from a private bank or other lender.
Please visit the FAFSA Website for more information and how to apply for financial aid.
Hamilton High West CEEB Code: 311-485
You will need to create an FSA ID to sign your FAFSA Application. This process can take 5 - 10 business days to receive approval from the federal government. Click here on How to Create a FSA ID
Mercer County Community College Financial Aid Checklist: Mercer Financial Aid Checklist Spanish Version Mercer Financial Aid Checklist
Below are website links for Nationally Based Scholarships:
The new Student Aid Index (SAI) will replace Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as the calculated amount a family is able to pay for college for a given year. Colleges will use SAI in place of EFC in the fundamental equation to determine need-based financial aid eligibility.
Your financial need is the same as your need-based financial aid eligibility, but rules on federal student aid plus a college’s own institutional need-based financial aid policies determine your financial aid package.
2024-25 Student Aid Index Calculator
To calculate your Student Aid Index, you can use values from your parent’s 2022 tax returns and current value of parent and student assets.Click HERE for the Calculator.
HESAA - Higher Education Student Assistance Authority - NJ State Financial Aid - HESAA Website Link
All students who choose to study in New Jersey should create an account in HESAA's New Jersey Financial Aid Management System (NJFAMS) NJ FAMS Account Login
HESAA, the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, is the only New Jersey state agency with the sole mission of providing students and families with financial and informational resources for students to pursue their education beyond high school.
HESAA Guide for NJ Financial Aid and attending college: HESAA NJ College Resource Guide
A brief list of our programs and services appears below.
Need-based programs
- The New Jersey Tuition Aid Grant (TAG) - can only be used by NJ schools.
- Part-time TAG for County College Students
- NJ Equal Opportunity Fund (EOF) - Provides access & opportunity for NJ residence to attend a NJ College or University More Information on EOF
- The Governor's Urban Scholarship Program. More Information about the Governor's Urban Program
- The Governor's Industry Vocations Scholarship (NJ-GIVS) More Information about the Governor's Industry Scholarship
- The Garden State Guarantee (The Garden State Guarantee (GSG) is New Jersey's promise to make a college degree more accessible and affordable. New Jersey residents who attend an in-state, public, four-year institution and have an annual adjusted gross income (AGI) between $0 and $65,000 will pay a net price of $0 for tuition and fees during their third and fourth years of study. Students who have AGIs between $65,001 and $80,000 will pay a discounted net price of no more than $7,500 for tuition and fees. GSG covers the cost of tuition and fees that are not already covered by federal and state financial aid or other scholarships. Students must be enrolled full time (at least 12 credits per semester) and must be working toward completing their first Bachelor's degree. More Information about the Garden State Guarantee
- Community College Opportunity Grant (Free tuition for those whose household income does not exceed an adjusted gross income of $65,000)
- For more information please visit: Information about the CCO Grant
Merit-based programs
- New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS and NJ STARS II)
New Jersey’s 529 college savings plan
- The New Jersey Better Education Savings Trust (NJBEST)
New Jersey’s supplemental student loan program
- New Jersey College Loans to Assist State Students (NJCLASS)
State and federal loan redemption programs
Financial Aid Resources for New Jersey Dreamers
The New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application allows undocumented students enrolled in eligible New Jersey colleges and universities to apply for state financial aid.
Who should complete this application?
Complete this application if you are not a United States citizen or eligible noncitizen and meet all of the following criteria;
- Attended a New Jersey high school for at least three (3) years
- Graduated from a New Jersey high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in New Jersey
- Registered for Selective Service (male students only)
- Are able to file an affidavit stating that you will file an application to legalize your immigration status or will file an application as soon as you are eligible to do so
Please click on the following link:
NJ Stars I and II Program
• New Jersey residents who rank in the top 15.0% of their class at the end of either the junior or senior year of high school may be eligible to receive an NJ STARS award for attendance at their home county college.
Please visit the website for further information and all the eligibility requirements NJSTARS Program
Please visit HESAA Website for further details HESAA
NEED HELP filling out the FAFSA? Below are dates and times to help fill out the FAFSA